
Some Important Benefits of Visiting a Chiropractor

One of the often-overlooked healthcare services is chiropractic care, a non-surgical and drug-free treatment method. This procedure is used for conditions that affect the musculoskeletal and nervous systems. With a philosophy that is based on a holistic approach, the goal of a chiropractor is to help your body maintain its health with the use of natural rather than chemical or invasive procedures.

Benefits of Chiropractic Care

Visiting the chiropractor offers many benefits in addressing some common problems. These may include pain and spasms in the lower back, neck, shoulders as well as the joints of the legs and arms. Other advantages of visiting the chiropractic doctor include:

•Treating the actual cause of your condition or injury by adjusting and eliminating the pain at the source of your problem.
•Readjusting the spine and neck to improve your balance, mobility and circulation.
•Having a comfortable and safe healthcare procedure that is helpful to all age groups.
•Providing pregnant women with alignment maintenance and pelvic balance, resulting in easier and healthier pregnancies as well as controlling nausea symptoms.
•Helping people who suffer from spine-related injuries as result of sports or motor vehicle accidents.
•Improving other health symptoms such as clearer vision, easier breathing and better digestion, which are often unrelated to musculoskeletal issues.

What to Expect When Visiting the Chiropractor

On your first visit to the chiropractor, you should give yourself about 30 minutes for a thorough evaluation and examination. To help you prepare for this appointment, here are some tips that you should consider:

•Have information on your personal medical history available, including current symptoms and treatments, bone and joint disorders and the location and type of pain you are experiencing.

•Be ready for a physical examination, which may include checking your blood pressure, breathing and pulse as well as testing your posture, strength, reflexes and sensations.

•Be prepared to do some diagnostic tests such as x-ray, MRI, CT scan and laboratory testing. Provide a copy of any radiology reports that you may have.

•Discuss the diagnosis of your condition and recommendations for treatment with your chiropractic doctor.

•Follow the treatment plan set up by your chiropractor, which may involve care to relieve an immediate discomfort, to correct a severe condition or maintenance and support care to address a long-term problem.

Chiropractic care and treatment involves more than just using the hands to work on your spine’s joints and muscles. It may also include soft-tissue massage, muscle stimulation, therapeutic ultrasound and ice and heat applications. To complement the treatment process, diet, exercise and healthy lifestyle changes are usually recommended. However, for conditions outside the scope of your chiropractic physician, you will receive a referral to see another medical practitioner.

No longer should the discomfort of headaches, mobility and circulation issues as well as back and joint and muscle pain become the normal. With a visit to the chiropractic doctor at Chiro-Med, you may reap rich benefits of improved health and a better quality of life with the use of safe and natural treatment procedures.

What Happens During a Hearing Test?

Chances are that at some point in your life, you will experience some level of hearing loss. Many people experience this problem as a general part of aging, while others may have a medical condition or has an accident that affects their hearing. This is why there are hearing clinics available. However, even if you never experience a loss of hearing, it’s important to visit a hearing clinic to get your hearing tested. Here is what happens during a hearing test.

How Do You Get Scheduled for a Hearing Test?

Initially, you would visit an otolaryngologist, also known as an ear, nose and throat doctor (ENT). Usually, a person visits this doctor when they are experiencing some problem with their ears, such as muffled hearing, an earache and other issues. When the patient’s hearing is noticeably different, the ENT refers the individual to see an audiologist, a specialist who tests hearing.

What to Expect at the Audiologist’s Office

Once you get to the audiology office, you will have a hearing test and receive a hearing assessment afterward. If you have been to the office before, the specialist can compare the results of your previous test to those of the new one. The doctor will look into your ear canals using a otoscope and a tiny light. This is generally to check for any problems with your ear canal or eardrum and to ensure there isn’t an inordinate buildup of earwax or a blockage that’s affecting your hearing.

Audiologists also rely on tympanometry to test the function of your middle ear. It shows the doctor how your eardrum responds to light pressure and can determine whether there is a problem like infection, fluid or an issue with the Eustachian tube.

The Hearing Test

Finally, there is testing called audiometry performed. These include two tests, one involving air conduction and the other involving bone conduction. The patient sits in a soundproof room or booth and has a set of headphones on their head. The specialist works at a computer to begin the test, which involves sound coming through the headphones. The patient holds a mechanism with a button at the top of it and must press the button each time they hear a sound.

There is a series of sounds that come through the headphones. Air conduction tests to see whether the patient can hear the softest sounds at a variety of pitches. It can determine the level of hearing loss the individual has experienced. Bone conduction directly stimulates the inner ear through a device placed behind the ear to determine the softest sound the person can hear.

What Happens After the Test

After the test, you receive patient consulting with the audiology specialist. If it is determined that you have at least a moderate hearing loss, you will likely be recommended to buy hearing aids to help. The specialist can recommend the best option for you based on your particular level of loss and whether one ear cannot be helped with a hearing aid.

It’s important to know all of your options when it comes to your hearing. Talk with the audiologist extensively so that you can come up with the best plan for you.

How to Claim Your Canadian Childcare Expenses

Canada parents can benefit immensely by paying for professional and licensed child care services. They can have peace of mind because they will know that they have their children with a caring organization. They can feel secure that their children will receive food, education, the proper rest, and protection at all times. Another child care advantage is the tax credit that such parents can receive. The following is some information on the daycare credit and some instructions on how parents who pay for daycare can claim it.

The Details About the Tax

To obtain the credit, a filer must meet certain criteria. For one, the filer must have taken care of an eligible child who was 16 years old or younger in the previous tax year. This child had to be either the filer’s child, the child of that person’s common-law partner, or someone else who earned less than $11,474 during the tax year.

Eligible Expenses

To qualify for the tax credit, the filer or requester must have also paid for eligible expenses. Many payments qualify for this special tax credit. Any monies that went to a daycare facility can be deducted for the credit. Some additional types of payments that can qualify for the credit are payments for nursery schools, boarding schools, day camps and the like. A taxpayer can claim many additional modes of care. A long list exists, and taxpayers are urged to see if their expenses are on such a list.

Ineligible Expenses

Just as eligible expenses exist, some expenses do not qualify. Educational expenses do not qualify for the credit. Thus simply paying for the child to go to school does not constitute a tax credit.

The cost of clothing does not count for this special tax credit. The caretaker also cannot claim the credit for transportation expenses or hospital care for the child. However, caretakers who spend money on those items may be able to receive tax credits under a different program.

The Way to Claim the Tax

The person who is requesting the credit must have specific information to report when doing so. The individual must ask the care provider for a document that shows its social insurance number and the total of the monies that the claimant paid during the tax year. If the person who paid for the care was an individual such as a common law partner, then that person can be counted for the special credit.

The claim for the tax credit goes on line 214 of the tax return. The amount of tax that one can claim for the credit depends on the amount that he or she spent on childcare during the tax year. The program is highly generous.

Compare the Available Services When Exploring Retirement Home

Comparing retirement homes Ottawa with your aging loved ones may be a difficult process for many reasons. While you understandably may be focused on finding a long term care solution where your loved ones can live for years to come and that is affordable for your budget, you also may be reeling from the emotional impact of this process. The process is a clear reminder of the fact that your loved ones are not getting any younger and that their years are limited, and this can be difficult for many to bear emotionally. This may be complicated by the fact that many seniors want to continue to live independently, and you may be fighting them to make this transition. However, it can make you feel better knowing that they are being well cared for in the right facility that offers the services they need. As you compare these available services, keep these points in mind.

The Most Basic Services
Many people will look for assisted living facilities that offer the most basic services as a first step. Most seniors will not make a huge jump from living independently at home to needing the skilled services of nursing homes. Therefore, you initially may be looking for senior residences that offer some assistance with basic services, such as housekeeping, grocery service and transportation to medical appointments. In addition, structured social activities are also common with the most basic senior residences.

The Services of Skilled Nursing Homes
This is in direct comparison to the services available in skilled nursing homes that provide significant long term care for the elderly. These services are typically used by individuals who require on-going medical attention and who are no longer able to care for themselves. There is a huge leap between the two options available, and some facilities offer moderate care for those who are in between these two levels of services.

A Community That Can Accommodate a Full Range of Needs
It can be emotionally and physically daunting to move an aging relative, and with this in mind, you may not want to repeat the process again. Some senior care facilities offer a full range of services to meet the growing needs of seniors as they age. For example, they may have one area of the property with independent living residences. Another area may be for assisted living with some minor healthcare services provided. A third area on the property may be a nursing home environment.

While some senior homes only cater to individuals with specific needs, others offer a wide range of services and living experiences to accommodate most needs. As you compare the options available, consider factors related to cost, insurance coverage, availability of services, proximity to your home and hospitals and more. For more information visit the Sienna Living website.

Image Credit: MeaningfulLiving

Why More Medical Malpractice Cases are Settled in Mediation

Human error plays a significant role in medical malpractice lawsuits. While accidents can happen in any industry, medical specialists are held accountable for protecting the health and safety of patients in various stages of diagnosis and treatment. When something goes wrong, a patient or family member often discusses the problem with medical malpractice lawyers to determine if a medical professional made a mistake that negatively impacted a loved one’s well-being. If a claim is filed, more court systems now assign cases to legal mediation for the following reasons to try and avoid court proceedings by settling the case.

The claim is clear-cut.When medical malpractice lawyers believe that a claim is not particularly hard to defend, the court may assign the case for mediation to bring the matter to a swift conclusion. This saves time for all parties involved and reduces pressure on the court schedule. With evidence in place and no overt controversy, the matter can possibly be resolved with the help of a neutral negotiator. If there are loose ends that need to be dealt with, mediation is a good place for them to come out so both sides can address them before going to trial if no resolution is reached.

The claim is complicated.

Conversely, if a medical malpractice suit is fiercely debated with uncertain or hotly-contested evidence on either side, the matter may be sent to mediation to dispose of it as neatly as possible. Although neither side may get exactly what they want, the end result could lead to compromise for both and avoid a jury trial where the matter may become even more confusing to everyone present. At mediation, no further testimony is presented, although sticking points that emerge as part of the settlement discussions help both sides to clarify their argument’s strengths and weaknesses before going to trial, if mediation efforts fail.

Time is important.

In cases where the patient is in failing health or there is pressure from either side to settle the case quickly due to challenges in finding expert witnesses or other related issues, mediation can cut to the chase and enable medical malpractice lawyers to resolve the matter within a limited time span.

Contributory factors.

If the plaintiff travels frequently with a job or may otherwise be less available for court proceedings, mediation may be preferable. Sometimes the plaintiff is dealing with other health issues that make it difficult to endure long waits for a court date or a complicated legal proceeding. In such cases, mediation may be able to settle the matter more efficiently and with less stress.

Medical malpractice lawyers are sometimes assigned mediation or they may elect to attempt mediation to resolve simple or difficult cases.

How To Avoid Burnout When Caring For Seniors

One of the challenges of being a caregiver for a senior is that you may never feel that you are given a break. You may feel that you must simply do what you are asked to make sure that your loved one is well taken care of. However, if you do not learn how to set boundaries, there is a very real risk that you may suffer from burnout.

Caregivers Have The Right To Have Boundaries During Senior CareCaregivers often do not set boundaries and will simply do whatever it is that they are asked. In order to know where healthy boundaries should be set, it is important for caregivers to pay close attention to your own needs and the needs of the individual whom you are taking care of.

Learn The Art Of Detached Love

An effective way to set boundaries is to perform what is known as ‘detaching with love.” This is when a caregiver uses methods of detachment. One of the challenges that children of aging parents often face is that they want to impress their parents, but what often must be done to fulfill the needs of someone’s parents can be emotionally draining. To detach, the caregiver must first realize that he or she cannot control his or her parents. This realization is often enough to develop a healthy detachment that allows for the caregiver to set emotional boundaries.

Avoid Emotional Abuse

There are some parents who are emotionally abusive or who are very demanding of their adult children. If you feel that your parents are using abusive methods in order to get you to do what they want, it is best to find someone else, such as an elderly caregiver, to temporarily care for your parents until you have time to recover.

Be Prepared For The Senior’s Growing Needs

The senior’s needs for care are likely to increase over time. It is important to know when it is necessary to seek outside help, either from family members or from professional caregivers. It can be easy to settle into a routine of meeting a growing number of demands, but this will eventually become overwhelming.

Seek The Assistance Of A Home Health Care Agent

Given how difficult it can be emotionally to care for a loved one, it may make sense to bring in assistance from a registered nurse. He or she will be able to provide you with a break so that you can spend time caring for yourself and focusing on your own needs.

Admissions to Caribbean Medical Schools

Caribbean Medical Schools take into consideration numerous factors when vetting applicants. These include MCAT score and undergraduate performance, social and intellectual adaptability, critical judgment, previous volunteer work, and specific life experience such as working in a relevant healthcare sector among other factors. When evaluating a potential medical school in the Caribbean, therefore, it’s important to find the one that best suits your specific study needs so that you can get the best possible results on the admission exams such as USMLE® Steps or the COMLEX Levels.

The Application ProcessThe process of application for medical school in the Caribbean is intense and long. It effectively begins once you have filled out and submitted your application. It entails completion of numerous pre-med requirements and having several meetings with your school’s pre-med advisor plus pre-med committee. A critical part is taking the MCAT, performing well in all the required pre-med course work as well as the extra-curricular activities.

Applications are generally reviewed on a rolling basis as they are submitted. This means that submitting an early application is among your best chances of getting accepted at most Caribbean Medical Schools.

Clinical Rotations

You will want to make an early confirmation that the medical hospital you are targeting in Canada or the US for your rotation has an ongoing residency program that matches the rotation you are about to complete. If you are considering a Caribbean Medical University make sure you inquire about their ‘away elective opportunities’ and clerkship opportunities as well.

Language of Instruction

The more recognized Caribbean medical schools are English speaking, though this may not be the case for all medical schools. Therefore, ensure you clarify the language of instruction as you seek admission. Being fluent in a 2ndsecond language is of course an advantage for you.

Canadian Applicants

Canadian students to Caribbean Medical University and other Caribbean Medical Schools have several advantages. Canadian applicants are not required to submit MCAT scores for admission consideration at most medical schools. Different from other international students, Canadian are not required to submit official International English Language Testing System (IELTS) or Test of English as a foreign Language (TOEFL) score reports. For example, the College of Medicine at American University of Antigua (AUA) is an ideal choice for Canadians. Students at this Caribbean Medical University are eligible to seek clinical rotations in the United States and Canada.


Admissions to Caribbean Medical Schools vary from one school to the next depending on the several individual factors. Admission evaluation is also carried out on individual basis. It is, therefore, important to visit the respective website or contact the school Admissions Departments. They will provide you with all the required information about the specific medical school’s application process.

New Research Reveals Why Some Dental Implants Fail

Around 500,000 people in North America receive dental implants every year, and this number is growing. While implants have a low rate of complications and failure, researchers have finally determined why some dental implants are failing.

A team of researchers from McGill University reviewed data on implants from more than 700 patients who received the implants at the East Coast Oral Surgery Center in New Brunswick between 2007 and 2015 and followed up with studies on rats.It turns out that taking some common medications while avoiding others improves the odds that the dental implant will attach correctly after it is installed by a prosthodontist.

According to Professor Faleh Timimi of the McGill Faculty of Dentistry, the success of the procedure comes down to how well the existing bone accepts the implant to create a connection between the implant surface and the bone. As some medications can affect bone metabolism and how bone cells heal, die, or multiply, they can affect the success of dental implants.

Researchers concluded that people preparing for an implant may want to begin taking beta blockers, typically used to control high blood pressure, for awhile before surgery. According to the study on 1,499 implants performed, 327 were done in people who took beta blockers while 1,172 were done in people who did not take beta blockers. The failure rate among people on beta blockers was just 0.6% compared to 4.1% among people on beta blockers.

The team looked specifically at beta blockers as they have been reported to boost bone formation and the researchers believed they could help reduce the risk of implant failure. According to Tamimi, the team did not expect such a clear difference between beta blocker users and non-users, although they warn that randomized clinical trials wills till be needed to further investigate the link.

The study also concluded that heartburn medication can impede the integration of implants based on 1,773 implants performed. Of these, 133 were in people who took heartburn medication and 1,640 were in people who did not take heartburn medication. The failure rate among people on heartburn medication was 6.8% compared to just 3.2% among people not on heartburn medication.

While scientists have already known that heartburn drugs can reduce calcium absorption in bones and increase the risk of fracture, this study is the first to show its negative effects on the outcome of dental implant procedures.

Heartburn medication is the third-most commonly prescribed pharmaceutical in the world and it’s especially common on a long-term basis among seniors who are also prime candidates for dental implants.

If you take heartburn medication, it’s important to discuss how it may affect dental implant surgery with your prosthodontist. Additional resources can be found at Prosthodontic Associates.

Vaping is the future of smoking

What is vaping? Can you define the term? Maybe you can and maybe you can’t, but there is certainly a lot about vaping that you don’t know. The term has created lots of interest among smokers and non-smokers both. In short, to vape involves inhaling vapor created from liquid in a personal vaporizer. It is compared to and contrasted with cigarette smoking because cigarette smokers have been drawn to it. Vaping is done with the E-cigarette. It is similar to cigarette smoking but offers benefits over cigarette smoking. The vapor looks like smoke and almost feels like smoke to the person vaping, but it is not smoke and therein lies the benefit.

You Can Quit Smoking
Probably most cigarette smokers want to quit at one time or another, but most who try to quit smoking fail once, twice, or maybe twenty times. Cigarette smoking is one of the hardest habits to break. Of course, quitting cigarette smoking makes great sense. Cigarettes cause lung cancer without any doubt. Lung cancer will kill 1.59 million people worldwide this year. The greatest benefit of vaping versus cigarette smoking is that vaping does not cause lung cancer. Vaping is not without risk. Vaping liquids do contain nicotine, but the vapor is not smoke and that is its real benefit. The vapor has been tested and no risk to heart or lungs has been found. Several studies have concluded that vaping is safer than cigarette smoking

But You Won’t Even Miss It
Vaping is seen as similar to cigarette smoking by smokers who have switched. Vaping does provide nicotine just like cigarettes, but that is without the unhealthy smoke. Cigarette smoke is not only unhealthy, it is also unpleasant to people nearby who are forced to inhale second-hand smoke. Cigarette smoke clings to clothing and furniture and creates a veritable fog in rooms where people smoke. On the other hand, the vapor from vaping is odor free. Sit right next to someone vaping and you will never smell anything. There also are no cigarette burns with vaping and you won’t need any ashtrays!

Vaping is Fun!
Cigarette smoking is bad news, but by comparison vaping is fun. The liquid used in vaporizers for vaping is known as e-liquid, and it is flavored. E-liquid flavors include cinnamon, cotton candy, vanilla, strawberry cheesecake, buttered popcorn, and raspberry. There are more. Have you ever seen a strawberry cheesecake cigarette? Would you want one if you did? Pick three or four of your favorite flavors for vaping.

How Is Vaping Done?
The vaporizer used in vaping is a battery power atomizer that heats e-liquid to create vapor. Users carry the vaporizer around with them and inhale at their leisure. Some vaporizers are actually made to look like cigarettes, and believe it or not, some of them are made by tobacco giants. Those vaporizers are less popular than the typical vaporizer. Instead, what is more commonly used is the APV or Advanced Personal Vaporizer. Most of those provide controls that allow the user to adjust the flow of vapor. The vaporizers that look like cigarettes are relatively inexpensive, but they are disposable. The APV will normally cost close to $100, but they are considered permanent.

Vaping is Big Business
Vaping has very much become a craze over the last several years. Vaping was invented in 2003, but it has grown into a $7 billion worldwide business. There are still disputes over whether vaping is a healthy alternative to cigarette smoking, but many people have chosen it and it is not likely to go away. If you want to quit smoking cigarettes, E-cigarettes can give you the chance you need. E-cigarettes are a fun and healthy alternative to regular cigarettes, and if you try vaping you might love it. For more information, please check out the DashVapes website.

Medical Marijuana Now Legal in Ohio: What You Need to Know About the New Law

If you live in Ohio and suffer with a chronic health problem, then it is important for you to know that medical marijuana has recently been legalized in your state. However, doctors are only allowed to prescribe it to patients who have specific health conditions, and there are other guidelines regarding medical marijuana in place. Read on to learn more about who qualifies for medical marijuana in Ohio and why, and other facts about its recent legalization in this state.

When Did Medical Marijuana Become Legal In Ohio and Who Qualifies?In June of 2016, the governor of Ohio signed a bill that legalized medical cannabis in Ohio. The bill did not make it legal immediately, but instead made it fully legal at a later date, which was September 8 2016.

People who qualify for a prescription of medical cannabis in Ohio must have one of 20 chronic illnesses. Just a few of the illnesses include cancer, HIV/AIDs, fibromyalgia, Chrohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, PTSD, and spinal cord injury.

If you don’t see your illness on the list, then check out this page for the full list of illnesses.

When Can You Ask Your Doctor For it If You Qualify?

Unfortunately while technically legal, there will still be a wait to obtain a prescription, even if you fully qualify for it under the new law.

For Ohio doctors to prescribe medical marijuana to patients, they must obtain a special certification by the state to do so. There are currently no doctors who are certified in Ohio, and no one knows exactly when a state certification program will be implemented.

Also, there is currently no cannabis being grown in the state of Ohio and no legal dispensaries. The state does plan to provide licenses to growers and dispensaries in the near future.

What does this mean for you? Lawmakers in Ohio state that they plan to have doctors certified, cannabis being grown in the state, and dispensaries licensed to sell the cannabis within two years. So you simply have to wait until all the actions are taken, which could be sooner or later than two years from September 8 2016, to obtain legal medical cannabis.

How Can Cannabis Help Your Illness?

Cannabis has many health benefits and how it may affect your health depends on the disease you have. There are also different types of marijuana called strains, and each is cultivated to have a different balance of the medicinal components in marijuana, called cannabinoids.

Many cannabioids have anti-inflammatory properties that can help a variety of illnesses. Some promote healthy bowel function, which can improve symptoms of Chrohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. Marijuana can also reduce that anxiety and depression that plagues those suffering from PTSD and help everyone with chronic illness sleep more soundly at night.

If you live in Ohio, then realize that medical cannabis has been legalized, but you must have one of 20 specific diseases to qualify for it and wait until doctors in the state become licensed to prescribe it, it begins being grown in the state, and dispensaries open.