Waste management is a cyclic process not just in terms of the waste management process, but its impact on the environment. This is why the waste management process should be more than just using compaction equipment like a trash compactor to reduce the number of plastic bags you use. It should also involve several practices that have been proven to be good for the environment.
1. Recycling
The recycling process is one of the best ways to practice environmentally-friendly waste disposal. A good waste management company will ensure that you have separate bins for recyclable and non-recyclable waste. If they do not do this, individuals should take it upon themselves to sort recyclable materials separately from the rest of the trash. Once you decide on how to sort your waste, the process becomes simple and should be done regularly.
2. Waste to Energy
Waste-to-energy is the process where trash is converted to energy. The energy is in turn used to generate power. A waste-to-energy plant works in the same way as a power plant that uses oil or natural gas to generate power. Instead of taking trash to a dump site, it should instead be used to create energy. This reduces the dumpsite volume as well as wastage. It also drastically reduces carbon dioxide emissions caused by dumpsites. Waste such as kitchen waste, commercial garbage, and bio waste is best for combustion. When waste is burned, pollutants that are harmful to the environment are created. It’s important to incorporate waste management practices that reduce the amount of waste burned.
3. Composting
Composting is the process where organic waste is biologically decomposed. Organic waste includes materials such as leaves, food scraps, manure, crop waste, grass, feathers, and wood. The environment for composting should be controlled and done in an environment with oxygen. This compost is great for organic farming and reduces the amount of waste taken to the dumpsite. This, in turn, reduces emissions and preserves the environment.
4. Measuring Carbon Footprint and Methane Levels at Dumpsites
Waste management companies should be able to monitor and evaluate themselves and make sure their practices are good for the environment. One way to do this is to monitor their greenhouse gas emissions. The main greenhouse gas emissions include water vapor, carbon dioxide, ozone, methane, and nitrous oxide. There should be a team or department in the dumpsite that deals specifically with this. All dumpsites produce methane gas. However, the levels of emissions should be evaluated and decreased to the lowest possible level by incorporating cover systems that reduce emissions and odors into the atmosphere.
Whatever practice you incorporate into your home or company, it is important that the environment is protected by responsible waste management practices. The Rotoble Compaction website has more online resources available.